Excellence/Supreme Program
Since its formation the American Donkey Association (ADA) has had the goal of creating a program to recognize outstanding donkeys nationwide. ADA believes that a national standard of awards for both new and established donkey owners is critical for the credibility and growth of the industry. Such a standard will provide a fair and understandable process to recognize outstanding animals. The recognition process must transition with the donkey from one owner to the next and be valid regardless of who the handler is. It is also important that the award “mean something”, that is, it must be earned through hard work, quality training and most of all, a solid healthy animal. Not all donkeys will achieve this standard.
It was this goal that conceived the ADA Excellence/Supreme Programs for miniature donkeys. The program is similar to accepted programs and procedures found in other show animal awards programs.
The ADA Excellence/Supreme program will award a prestigious and nationally recognized title to those donkeys which have proved an ongoing ability to excel in the NMDA Show Ring and recognized American Donkey Association shows. There are two levels of achievement. The first is that of Excellence. This recognition is designed to provide a first level of achievement for those donkeys that have accumulated a specific number of points at multiple NMDA shows and American Donkey recognized shows, under multiple Judges. The second level of recognition, Supreme, will be awarded to those donkeys which have continued on to win even greater levels of achievement and higher levels of points. The Supreme level is one that will likely be achieved by only the most superior of animals and most dedicated of owners.
At the level of Excellence, there will be three different programs available. One will be for Halter, one will be for Performance – In Hand and the third will be for Performance - Driving. At the Supreme level, there will also be three programs; Supreme in Halter, Supreme in Performance – In-Hand and Supreme in Performance - Driving.
Beautiful and highly desirable prestigious ADA Certificates of Excellence and Supreme will be presented to the owners of the donkeys.
The Officers and Board of Directors for ADA ask that you review the guidelines for each of the programs. You MUST be a Member of the American Donkey Association at the time your donkey earns it points for those points to qualify for the Excellence or Supreme awards. Only NMDA show points or points from American Donkey Association shows will count towards the ADA Excellence Programs.
Enjoy the Programs and Have Fun!
Frequently asked questions:
1. Question: What is the process, what do I need to do to get started? Answer: You need to be a Member of ADA, for your Donkey to be eligible. You simply track your own points at NMDA shows for your animals. Once you believe you have achieved the required number you must submit your Request for the Recognition to ADA (Forms available from American Donkey Association). ADA does verify your Donkey’s points with NMDA.
2. Question: What is the cost to participate in the ADA Excellence Program? Answer: Aside from the cost of being a member of ADA, there is no cost. There may be a processing fee for the award at the time it is requested.
3. Question: What about if I sell the donkey will the points transfer to the new owner? Answer: Absolutely, as long as both of you are ADA Members at the time the points were earned by the donkey under your respective ownerships.
4. Question: If the previous owner was not an ADA member when points were earned but the new owner was and is do the points count? Answer: No, the owner at the time the points were earned must be an ADA Member.